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At Yoast, we optimize websites. Not just one aspect of websites, but every aspect. We make websites more usable, easier to navigate, faster and more reliable. In other words: we make websites work. Not just for the owner, but for the visitor. The added bonus is that if you do all that right, a website becomes easier to find too.

Make Do

Make Do believe in simple, pragmatic and honest solutions and provide our clients and partners with the tools that they need to succeed. We’ve been using WordPress since 2005 on small, medium and large websites. We don’t like to think that we chose WordPress, but that WordPress chose us.

Human Made Logo

Human Made

Human Made is a global WordPress agency providing development and consultancy services . We help some of the world’s largest companies with their complex or high traffic sites. Our services and areas of special expertise include bespoke WordPress development, strategy and consulting, full code and hosting management, code review, content migration. We have a distributed team covering many corners of the globe and a wide variety of accents. A WordPress.com VIP partner since 2012, we’ve a proven track record in dealing with big clients such as NewsCorp and Sony and challenging sites such as Vocativ, CFO, Indian Express and FusionSoccer.

34sp logo


34SP.com is a professional website hosting and domain name registration company offering services for web developers, bloggers, designers and small businesses throughout the world. The 34SP.com team of technical experts offers support and service coupled with a money-back guarantee to ensure client satisfaction.

34SP.com has particular focus in WordPress hosting, having supported the WordPress community since WordPress was originally developed and launched in 2003. The company currently hosts thousands of WordPress websites and is headquartered in central Manchester, England.