Samantha Miller
Steph Cook
Software Engineer at Magma Digital, artist when I get time, ‘cool’ geek for the rest of it. Graduate of School of Computer Science, University of Manchester.
Simon Owen
Rhys Wynne
Lead Developer at FireCask. Designs WordPress plugins & themes under the Winwar Media label.
Simon Wheatley
One of the founder Simons at Code For The People, we jump WordPress through hoops for you.
Kathryn Reeve
PHP Zend Framework Developer working for Reason Digital, JavaScript enthusiast, Hardware Tinkerer, Graphic novel reader, Gamer.
Mark Wilkinson
Tammie Lister
Carolyn Jones
Sam Berson
Kevin Stover
Tim Nash
Jessica Rose
Working for Young Rewired State Learning to code. Fond of tapirs, Iceland and learning new things.
Heather Burns
Web site designer and consultant to the third sector. Internet law consigliere to the web community. Quaker.