We’re over half way through announcing our speakers, who have given their time to speak at WordCamp Manchester 2016. Here are 3 more…
Glyn Thomas
Glyn Thomas is a freelance web developer who specialises in WordPress websites for the charity, NGO and non-profit sector. He is currently working with Refugee Action to redevelop their website in WordPress, and he has previously worked with other organisations including Global Justice Now, Positive Money and ShareAction in the UK and Rethink Breast Cancer in Canada.
Jonny Allbut
Digital director at @wearewider & @Wonderflux WordPress theme framework founder. WordPress specialist, occasional conference speaker. @wpbhamuk co-organiser.
Ben Furfie
Ben is a front end developer (who also enjoys dabbling with backend development too) who specialises in working with WordPress and Magento. He has a passion for helping freelancers and agencies that use WordPress to create sustainable businesses. He has previously talked on subjects ranging from technology in the workplace, designer/developer relations, pricing strategies and freelancing.
Only 3 more speakers left to announce! Be sure to catch them next time. Or just read the schedule.